Be ahead, Be informative and Be NewsyJuicy.
Get DesignThinking: NewsyJuicy App right now and Juice up Your News with Curiosity
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Want to know, whats the buzz about Design Thinking?
Want to follow, Who on the internet is discussing and using design thinking strategy for innovation?
Want to be aware, which start up will launch the next disruptive business Idea?
Want to see how design and technology in combination are helping and revolutionizing standard business practices across the world and among top S&P 500 companies?
Then, dont wait any longer, Be ahead, Be informative and Be NewsyJuicy!!!
Get DesignThinking: NewsyJuicy App right now and Juice up Your News with Curiosity
DesignThinking: NewsyJuicy app comes with hand picked (best in the class) choices of channels. To Received Personalized content of your choice, You just need to activate or deactivate these ***channels. ( This is as easy as you are changing TV channels)
Whenever you like any content and want to keep it (post, article, video, story or news), you can add it to "My Bucket”, ( Again, this is as easy, as you are adding* your best TV shows/movie to your list)
You then can access your favorites content from “My Bucket” and keep it forever**, i.e. even after that content is no longer available in Current Active channel.
Or, If you are not exactly a bibliophile type, you can delete them anytime after you finished reading and keep “My Bucket" neat and clean.
You will always have an access to top notch channels and these channels lists will be routinely refreshed, tested, verified by DesignThinking Community.
So, what are you waiting for?
Get DesignThinking: NewsyJuicy App right now and Juice up Your News with Curiosity.
*User can only add reference URL, Title and Image link of original content from the Public website of Channels, NewsyJuicy do not store and provide any original content data on our servers.
**”My Bucket” feature from NewsyJuicy provides access/reference to only Original URL, Title and Image links from Public website of channel. If the original content will be updated/deleted on Channel website, then NewsyJuicy Reader will not be able to load original content and show 404 Error page".
***Users can only activate maximum 10 different Channels at one time. User can always Deactivate current active channel and activate another one, if they want to access all channels one by one.